Come In: A vulnerable post

Hi RADsters!

Happy New Month! I know I know, we are literally at the tail end of the month, nonetheless, it’s a new month since the last time I posted was last month.

How did you enjoy the last blog post? What did you do for Valentine’s Day? I spent mine with my First Love (God❤️) and then had a fun experience at a photoshoot with family. My goal was to experience and express love in a special way, and I did…by serving. What was yours? Leave a comment below about your Valentine’s Day. I know it has been a whole month since then lol, but I would love to read about it!

Spring has sprung💐🌷 officially on this side of the globe, and BOY did I come ALIVE!!! I feel refreshed, revived, rejuvenated, almost like I am a brand new person. Did you feel it too? No? Just me? K🤣🤣

Can I be honest with you? I am in a much better headspace than I was just 3 weeks ago! Let me tell you, this girl was in a horrible funk- spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically (oh trust I showered, but I wasn’t eating or sleeping well). Something was off. I just couldn’t shake the burdened feeling that I would lose my new job or that things would start falling apart in my personal life and the life of my loved ones! I saw seeming signs, and I freaked out!

Side Note: I have struggled with imposter syndrome in the past, it still tries to raise its ugly head (lookout for a blog post on this), but this was different. This now came for my spiritual life. I literally felt like I knew absolutely nothing about God or my personal relationship with Him. I questioned EVERYTHING, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but felt like it because in all my journeying with God I was not used to asking Him questions, my questions. This scared me and seemed to pull me further away from God. The devil is such a stupid LIAR!!😒 The mind war was REAL y’all, but I can gladly say that I am standing victoriously right here, right now! 🙌🏾

While I would like to credit my rebirth and rejuvenation solely to Spring making its way here, I can attest that several other factors contributed to my newly uncovered LIFE. One major factor was prayer. Transparent moment: At first during this experience, I did not want to talk to God or even read His words. I felt like He allowed this to happen, and I couldn’t understand why! But while my flesh sulked, at some point my spirit knew that it needed to remain connected. So…prayer!

No, it’s not the kind of prayer you might imagine…you know, the kind where you are waging war, screaming, banging, and vibrating because you feel charged in the spirit. Although, I am almost certain that my wonderful prayer warrior Mother did! (I Love you, Momma😘)

The prayer I’m talking about is a quiet-spirited, still kind of prayer. The kind where all you can lean on are the words you speak and the mustard seed faith in your heart. The kind where you feel absolutely weak in your flesh, but your spirit continues to press in. The kind of prayer that forces you to listen to your innermost thoughts to then vulnerably pour them out to The Father. At His feet. That kind of prayer. Life got so real so quickly, and in the same token, God’s love got even more real🧡.

Vulnerable prayer helped to bring me out of the funk I had found myself in. I realized that I did not need to fake with God; I did not need to mince my words and thoughts with Him. God could take it like a champ, after all, He already knew what was brewing in my heart before I spoke, so what was the use of “hiding” those words from Him. David knew this in Psalm 139:1 & 4. Also, I believe Jesus had a moment like this in the cross in Matthew 27:46.

I told God everything I felt. Like “why did you leave me?”, “Did I sin against you?”, “why would you let this happen?”, “What was the purpose for this person hurting me so badly?” I asked questions about everything that was happening in and around my life. And guess what? He listened and then answered. He showed me scripture and covered me with His everlasting love. He is so romantic!🧡

On the day I called, you answered me;
you increased strength within me. -Psalm 138:3

I believe moments like these fortify our belief and trust in The Almighty God, He longs to have ALL OF US, every inch, every worry, every fear, ALL OF IT! David had many of these moments too, the book of Psalms is filled with them; Check out Psalms 60.

“But Moyo, aren’t we supposed to reverence God and not question His sovereignty?” Right, we can’t question God’s sovereignty because well, He IS sovereign. It’s His nature, it’s infallible. However, we can express our thoughts, we can pour out our hearts, we can ask questions. He said “Ask, and it will be given unto you. Seek, and you will find.” How do you ask for something without asking? I’ll wait…Riiiight, YOU CAN’T! You will need to open your mouth and ask, trusting that you will receive an answer. If humans can respond to your questions, how much more God who created you in His image and cherishes you so much that He knows the number of hairs on your head. Let that sink in!

Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we’re in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children. So don’t you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better? – Matthew7:9-11

I understand that this post may not be for everyone, it may not be received by everyone and that is O K. After all, Jesus was not received by everyone, but those who received and believed He gave the right to become sons [and daughters] of God.

Today, I would like to speak to the real ones. The persons whose hearts feel raw and tender here and now, at this moment. To the ones who feel like the best thing to do is to be quiet and refrain from communicating with God because they are falling apart and not “put together” or perfect:


If you must stumble, stumble into His presence. If you must crawl, crawl into His presence. In your weariness, enter into His presence. In your heaviness, enter into His presence. In your weakness, enter into His presence, and pour it all out! He wants to hear it, carry it, and then heal your heart. The Bible says that “His strength is made perfect in our weakness,” 2 Corinthians 12:9. How is that possible if we never acknowledge our weaknesses? Jesus says “come to me all who are weary and are HEAVY, and I will give you rest,” Matthew 11:28. How do you “come” without admitting that you are weary, burdened or heavy?”

So, I say to you today, “Enter in.” In your vulnerability, Enter in. You won’t regret it. You will come out better, stronger, lighter. Let God put your heart and life back together as ONLY He can! Enter in!

God is Dope!
Get to know the TRUE GOD, you will not regret it!


For your listening Pleasure:

I’d like to provide an opportunity to those who are yet to meet with Jesus. If you have a deep desire to know Jesus and enter into the kingdom of God you are in great company. I did at some point in my life, and it was the greatest desire that God ever met! 

I invite you to pray the sinner’s prayer: Dear Jesus, I accept that I am a sinner and I confess my sins before you. I believe that you died for my sins and rose again to give me a new life.  I ask that you forgive me of my sins; cleanse me with your precious blood which you shed on the cross of Calvary. I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Fill me up with your Holy Spirit and strengthen me. I profess that I am a new creature; old things have passed away and I have become new in You. Thank You, Lord! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

If you prayed the prayer, WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM FAMILY!! You are a new creature, the old has passed and the new is here! Be sure to find a bible believing, Spirit-led church in your city and purchase a bible in a version that you understand. I use the  New Living Translation, Message, Free Bible, Christian Standard Bible, or the New International Version. Enjoy the journey!

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